Dayton Family Practice Doctor's Office
Serving the needs of our patients since 1959

Dayton Family Practice Associates is an independent group practice specializing in Family Medicine. Our goal is to provide quality comprehensive health care for your entire family.

2024 Flu Shots are Now Available!
Call to schedule an appointment.

We welcome you as a patient and appreciate the opportunity to provide you with medical service. This website is designed to answer most questions about our policies and method of practice.

Our goal is to provide complete and comprehensive family medicine to all of our patients efficiently and economically. If you have any questions, please ask.

Office Hours
Mon - Thur: 7:30am - 5pm
Friday: 7:30am - 4pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 12pm

Take Our Patient Survey

Teleheath visits are available for certain conditions.
Call to schedule an appointment.

Patient Registration

Patient Registration Form

Online Bill Payment

Now Available!   Pay Bill Now

Dayton Family Practice
3328 S. Smithville Road
Dayton, Ohio 45420

Phone: (937) 254-5661
Fax: (937) 254-7367

©  2024 Dayton Family Practice
Web Development by i3studios